
Welcome to Richmond Elementary's new Enrichment web page!

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself and give you a glimpse of the exciting things planned for this year.

My name is Harmony Lanen Roll. I am excited to be the new enrichment teacher at RES! I come from a classroom & curriculum design background, but also have a degree in art history and extensive experience with outdoor education. During my career as an educator and life long learner I have had incredible experiences teaching and learning in places all over the country, such as Alaska, Washington and Rhode Island. Vermont is now my home base after moving here with my family last summer. I am also the mom of two boys ages 7 & 10, who are students in the MMUUSD district. My philosophy of teaching is driven by desire to fan the curiosity and intellectual interests of the fellow learners I have the privilege of working with.

What is in store for us this year?

4th Grade - Ms. Wood in the library and I will be teaming up to work on Passion Projects. 4th graders will go through the process of whittling down their interests to one topic they would like to explore in depth and take it through the research and/or creation process. I will be doing my own Passion Project along with the students to both satisfy my own curiosity and role model the process.

3rd Grade - The curriculum will emerge from student interest. We will investigate topics in technology, interview local experts about areas of interest, explore the outdoors and more. We also might start a class business to fund Maker Space materials and the school field trip fund.

Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade - The curriculum will emerge from students' interests. We plan on having fun with cooperative games, building with all kinds of materials and engaging through hands on & minds on centers. Good old imaginative, free play will be also be a priority for us.

As always the Maker Space will continue to be part of the core of the Enrichment Program. Additionally a Science Symposium and other family events will be in the works and information will be posted here as the school year evolves. I will be looking for support and resources from our amazing families and the broader community as I get to know they learners and their interests as we get moving and grooving.

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